Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Brand New Day

Today, I woke up grumpy. I don't normally tend to do this. I usually wake up really smiley and cheerful, and then, maybe later, I might get grumpy, but not today. I'm afraid it took me till this afternoon to really get over it and be able to laugh at myself.

I must have been sleeping really heavy because I woke up fast and hard and it was late. I jumped out of bed in a hurry but didn't really know why. Just went. Mathew wasn't feeling well and had no idea why I was so bothered. Poor guy. Anyway, I did take some extra time to pray this morning, but it felt like I was more distracted than concentrating. Once at work, I had time to slow down a bit and re-think things. At lunch time I was able to take a quick nap and talk things over with Mathew and thankfully, laugh at how silly and upset I was at simply being awoken too quickly and hustled off to work in the cold!

One thing it does make me realize, is that I have a lot to work on as far as my Christlike spirit being consistent. It's often the little things that get me down and not the big things. One thing I was glad about this morning, was I caught myself thinking negative thoughts about chores and tasks and people, kind of on a roll, and was able to tell myself, "Stop. Just because you are upset about one thing doesn't make everything else bad." And I realized, it didn't. It was just my thoughts and feelings were running away with me. So instead, I thought about the Psalms I read yesterday morning...."I will praise you with all my heart and soul. I will give thanks, because you are good. Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfullness, stretches to the sea."

How about you? What do you do when you are grumpy? This afternoon, I think I will think of things I can be thankful for. Let me have an attitude of grace instead of grumpiness!

  1. A loving God
  2. Caring husband
  3. health
  4. sparkling snow
  5. Christmas lights
  6. funny squeaky shoes
  7. tasks for me to do
  8. an evening of quiet
  9. sunshine
  10. friends and family


Polly Blanshan said...

I just now found your blog and it really excites me. Today has been a day of many happenings that excite me. Snow, an opportunity to play piano for an open house of one of the Doctors in town, your blog... =D.
I had a very grumpy day, last week. It lasted all day until Ben surprised me with chocolate and coffee, and Emily H. did things to make me giggle. I'm so happy for friends to help me through those days!

Abbi said...

I have had some struggles with grumpiness this week as well. I do find that just starting to tell God thank-you for everything that he has blessed me with does help a lot.
Also I have been praying about it a lot. Praying that the Holy Spirit would prompt me a remind me that what I am doing is wrong. He does do that and then I have the struggle between deciding to do what is right or not. We I think about it in the light it does help but when I don't think about how it is wrong sometimes I can just "enjoy" being grumpy.


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