Monday, November 19, 2007


I don't know much about web sites and web pages, but I've slowly been trying to teach myself and read up on it. So, I thought I'd share with you some bits of stuff I'm learning about HTML codes - the way stuff works! I know Google blogging makes it really easy, I don't even have to know these codes anymore but it's interesting anyhow.

Here's the basics:

"HTML" is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. It's a language or "code" that tells the computer how to display images and text on your computer screen. Just like with any code, there are key symbols that can help you "break the code." Here are some important symbols used all the time:
> the backward
" " quotes
\ slashes
_ underlines
= equal signs
Everything that appears in between these symbols is info like text (what you want to say and how it appears) or links (to another web page).

Here's an example:

It looks like this on your screen:

Read about HTML.

The "<" and "a" are called "tags" and everything in between is called a "tag name." So, everything you write, needs a "tag," that's a basic. Then, the "tag names" are specific to things like bold, italics, links, text, or a picture. For instance, if you would like to put a picture on your page, here is what you would write:

Do you see the "img" and "src" ? That is the "tag" for I Want an Image and the "blueribbon.gif" is the "tag name" for Here is a picture of a blue ribbon.
How about if you want a link to another web page or something?
Here is what you would type:

Okay, let's break it down:
< and the a is the "tag"
href= says This Is A Link
http:.... is the actual link or web address
"Abbi's blog" is the text that will appear (you won't see the http:.....)
the "forward and backward beaks" are the "end tags" or the code that says Here's Where We Stop.
Interesting huh! Okay, I think that's enough info for today. Now you know how to start. As I learn, I will try and share what I learn. (My goal is to be able to make my own header -with pictures- for my blog)
If you want to learn more, check out Davesite or jmarshal.


Abbi said...

You have a new look! It is nice. I have been having fun learning all this computer stuff to but I think you are a little ahead of me.

Emily said...

Thanks! I only know a little bit because I had to for the web page stuff. It's more confusing than I like! ;)

Anonymous said...

hey! thanks for doing the research for us!


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