Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring is Coming....

Oh yes, it's been a slower start than last year, but I can feel spring in the air!

I checked out a stack of about 10 gardening books from the library last month, and just now am getting around to reading them. A couple of the new ones are great reads, and have inspired me to try gardening again this year.

Above, I have started a few seeds with the help of my neighbor girl. I have more to start at a later time.

Here are some things I hope to do this garden season:

  • Make a "Pizza Garden" (full of pizza ingredients)
  • Make a "Moonlight Garden" (at my Mom's house for my little cousins...this garden would be flowers and such that bloom in full moonlight)
  • Fertilize and airate our backyard plot
  • Add some black dirt
  • Make 3 container gardens, two for our front yard, one for back
  • Make some miniture gardens in old gloves
  • Make a cold frame?
  • Make a trellis for peas of some sort
  • Use recycled stuff for my garden containers etc.
  • Grow a cuke in a jar
Here are my new favorite garden books:

1 comment:

Martha said...

I love the book carrots love tomatoes. I check it out from the library quite often.
Spring really is here. the kids and I planted seeds outside yesterday as well as a few transplants. I have a bunch of herbs this year that I am pretty excited about.Parsley, sage, rosemary(this is my first year with this one, thyme, mint and oregano.and I will do basil again too.


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