Tuesday, August 5, 2008

National Night Out

Today is National Night Out. I meant to publish this a little earlier, but I forgot.

We won't be able to do anything this year but here are some ideas I came up with before I knew that.


I thought we could pass out invitations to our neighbors for a Family Ice Cream Night. Starting around 7pm, families could come, bearing their favorite ice cream topping. We'd provide the ice cream and cones/bowls (for later).

  • Name Tags

Make sure to meet and greet everyone (isn't that the point of the get together anyway...to get to know your neighbors?)

  • Neighborhood Map

Have a general sketch of our neighborhood so kids and their parents can pick out which house is theirs.


I was hoping to get our local police department or fire department to stop by and help out this night. I thought maybe they could do a short saftey talk to kids and parents.

It is recommended that you have a current photo of your kid, in case they go missing. Fingerprints also help. While the Police Dept never got back to me (it was County Fair time), I think they could help out with that sort of thing.


I was going to make up a scavenger hunt list for our surrounding neighborhood....to help us all get familiar with the alleys, houses, layout, etc. I would've included things to see or pick up like Rock from Old High School, House with Red Door, Yard with Morning Glory Tents, Dog with black spots, Wood chip from playground, Green Leaf from tree at and of street, House number of last two houses on so-and-so block, etc I would have them work in family teams.


I was hoping Target would help out with the items for a safety kit.


I was hoping to find a local business that would donate flashlights for this.

Other Resources:

Other Games/Ideas:

  • Have a family injury relay
  • Fire Escape Route obstacle course
  • Puppet Show
  • Give out Energy Light Bulbs (donation?)
  • Give out smoke alarm batteries (donation?)
  • Fireman talk
  • Ham Radio operator come and demonstrate
  • Red Cross do something
  • BBQ (for smaller neighborhood)

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