Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is May Day

Today is May Day....while not really an offical holiday, it was one I looked forward to as a kid because we did spring things this day.

One of my favorite things to do, was create "May Baskets" out of old strawberry containers or weave paper. Then we would pick some May Flowers (Hepatica) and bake some cookies to fill our baskets, and sneak over to our neighbor's door, leave the basket, ring the doorbell, and run. It was always fun, except for the time I got nipped by a dog while "escaping" over the fence! ha ha

Here is another list of May holidays that might be fun to celebrate something special....or at least help you come up with a meal idea for that night if you're in a pinch. :)

May is:
  • National Salad Month
  • National Barbecue Month
  • National Bike Month
  • National Hamburger Month
  • National Photograph Month

4 Bird Day

6 National Nurses Day

8 Iris Day

13 Frog Jumping Day

15 National Chocolate Chip Day

17 Armed Forces Day

18 International Museum Day

30 Water a Flower Day

31 National Macaroon Day


Look what I found on my door when I came home from work! Thanks :)


Tracy said...

The fourth was my birthday too

Polly Blanshan said...

Whoa! My birthday is National Chocolate Chip day? That's amazing!!! I was doomed from the start.
Where do you get the stats on the dates?


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