Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Seeds and Sun and Some other Stuff...

Today is Wednesday....the middle of the week....a sunshiny and snowy day all in one! Sitting here at the office and looking out the window, it looks quite inviting, but instead, I have a load of work to do.

I enjoy my work alot. Somedays, I have some very interesting conversations too! Like today, a few of us had a conversation on "How to Do Black Laundry"! One lady recommended Target's generic/organic brand of soap....132 loads per container or something like just a bit of soap per load. Then we got to talking about saving and re-using water for laundry. I knew to wash clothes in this order: whites...lights...colors....darks....and heavys.....but did you know why? Because, they used to re-use the water per load, and obviously, wanted to to the darkest and dirtiest last! (I also got to hear stories about re-using bath water growing up, and taking quick showers etc) I found it all fascinating!

Others things of today.... we have a student-friend staying with us for a while because she is not feeling well at all. I've been learning all about taking care of feavers and setting up beds and cleaning up and finding the right medicine and making good soups! :) By the way, do you have any ideas of what is good for a fever???

Tonight I teach the kid's Bible class plans and thoughts of that fill my head (more on that later).

Lastly, I've been dreaming of a spring garden. Last year I didn't get to plant one (many reasons) but this year I'm looking forward to it quite a bit. I'm even hoping to start a few plants indoors! I noticed others are thinking about this as well! :) (Here)

So that's my day so far. Sorry no pictures.....I've lost my camera cord and don't know where to find it! Have a wonderful day!!!

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